Saturday, May 17, 2008


Yay! I still have readers!

I was "officially" diagnosed with post- partum on thursday by a professional. it was interesting that as part of my graduate work I studied depression and the spiritual and physical factors that play into it and what a life altering and debilitating mental illness it can be. I am starting on meds on Monday so we will see how that goes! I wish they had some way to measure serotonin levels.. that would be so great..then there would be no question about the physicality of it and if in fact meds actually correct the problem..


The Gotbeters said...

Oh Lindsay, I am so sorry that you are feeling down. Please know that you can come to me whenever. As a fellow new mom I can relate to your feelings and have wondered from time to time if I am also battling an emotional or spirtual battle. I will be praying for you and complete healing!! I think the world of you and your family. There are not many people in this world like you Lindsay and I am so blessed to be able to call you my friend. (( hugs )) Brittan

Hillary said...

Oh, Lindsay, I had no idea. Maybe you're starting to feel better because I sure couldn't tell on Thursday. I had a touch of the post-partum depression, too, after Ben. I'll be praying for you!

Unknown said...

hey girl. I don't think I know you but came across your blog somehow on this crazy internet. I had the baby blues, which dragged into something more serious. I had to use medication, which I'm still using today. I don't feel guilty about it, and believe God has His hand on it all. Just wanted to let you know you are not alone..:)