Saturday, May 31, 2008


Thank you all for your comments, emails, and prayers! I have actually been feeling better especially as far as the anxiety goes. It really varies from day to seems I am either having a really good day or a really bad day- very little middle ground! well, I am off garage saleing- one of my favorite things to do!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Phillipians 3:10

I want to know Christ and the POWER that raised HIM from the dead.

Saturday, May 17, 2008


Yay! I still have readers!

I was "officially" diagnosed with post- partum on thursday by a professional. it was interesting that as part of my graduate work I studied depression and the spiritual and physical factors that play into it and what a life altering and debilitating mental illness it can be. I am starting on meds on Monday so we will see how that goes! I wish they had some way to measure serotonin levels.. that would be so great..then there would be no question about the physicality of it and if in fact meds actually correct the problem..

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Anyone still reading?

Well, great if you are! I am so uber impressed with you. Please pat yourself on the back for me!

I always have thoughts about what I want to write on here but hardly ever get to it.. so here are some random thoughts ..please proceed with caution ;-)

Today I have felt overwhelmed. I have been fighting an overwhelming sense of depression and have been trying to discern if its spiritual or hormonal. From my studies I am well aware of the causes of postpartum and how serious it can be if not recognized and treated appropriatley. But I am wondering if its sprirtual- a dark night of the soul, if you will...
Why so downcast o my soul
why so disturbed within me?

Today I reflected on the phrase "author of salvation" from a worship song we sing. I love this. It reminds me that God had a plan for me before time began..that he authored our salvation before we needed it...when we were still good...before we sinned..He had a plan for us...and I know He has a plan for me. I know he saw my circumstances before I felt the weight of them..before I was overwhelmed by them...