Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Purposeful Changes

You know Life is a series of choices that we make.I believe that there are two huge choices that we make that are accompanied by many little ones. The most important choice one can make is whether or not they are going to beleive that Jesus Christ was who He said he was, did what He said He did, and in turn give their lives over to his cause and purpose. It is in this decision that we make the first step in changing eternity.The second most important choice I believe we make is the choice of who we pick for a life partner. This decision affects everything.Its the person we are going to walk side by side with. The person we will raise our kids with and the person our kids will look to as symbolic of God the father. What a HUGE decision.I think who we pick as a life partner says alot about us as a person.I know those two decisions in my life have shown to be the best I could have made. We are faced everyday with other mini-decisions.What am i going to eat?, am i going to workout or take a nap?, do laundry or make love?, call a friend or read a book?, spank my child or put him in time-out?, join this small group or that one?, pursue this friendship or that one? Every season of life is marked by decisions.Sometimes we make good ones and other times we don't. The best part is that we are given many chances to try again and the next time we bring more wisdom to the table! Change is a hard thing to deal with- even if its good change. Because whenever we change something we are shaking up a part of our world and that can be uncomfortable. But Change is the catalyst for growth and character building.I think we need to be purposeful in every area of our lives. Too many times I think people (Christ followers included) just allow life to happen to them and then wonder why they are where they are when they had thought they would be somewhere else. As a stay at home mom I don't want to treat this season of my life any different than the previous years. I had been very purposeful with my educational goals adn getting to where I am. I want to treat this season of my life with the same purpose. We need to be purposeful about our day to day lives. Who are we going to hang out with? Who do we want our kids to hang out with? How are we going to spend time in the word? How are we going to get organized? How are we going to ensure our marriage grows?How are we going to do ministry?What friends are we going to invite in our boat? You know Jesus was very purposeful about who he invited along for the ride.We need to be too.What do you want your life to look like? What changes do you need to make? even if they are going to be hard....What choices do you need to make today so you can live life on purpose?.....................


The LaBouffs said...

Wow...good food for thought! Thanks for making me think. I know lately, I've not been so purposefully living life. Life has just happened and I don't want to be that way. Good words, Linds!

uncleandy said...

you rock as i was using the bathroom cause that is where i think the best. I was remeniscing about how awesome you are. I am so blessed to have you as my wife. You love me for me you encourage me and challenge me and love me You want to live life to the fullest and the best part is you chose me to live it with.
Wow and then I read your blog and I realized evemore how blessed I am. You confirmed all my inner desires about what is so great about being married to you. I am excited about the adventure that Christ has for us next. I love ya

Merrie said...

WOW... you really did bless me today and bring me BACK to reality. I realized that I had not been living life on purpose, but just existing and allowing everything and everybody to determine my life.
Thank you for making me step back and look and think and examine. It was painful - but the result is, I'm taking back my life and I'm going to ON PURPOSE chose and live.
Love you and am so proud of you and who you are! You are an amazing woman of God - Christ follower and LEADER!

Edward C. Foster said...

Lindsay is a wannabe!'
